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Information on using your SpeakUnique voice through Grid for iPad.

Grid for iPad

Grid for iPad is a communication app developed by Smartbox. We have partnered with Smartbox to allow you to access your SpeakUnique voice through Grid for iPad.

The app is suitable for a wide range of people with communication needs, including: ALS/MND, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down’s syndrome, Learning difficulties and Stroke/ Aphasia.

Grid for iPad must be purchased separately and is available as a one time purchase, or through a monthly subscription. You can try out your voice with a 30-day free trial of Grid for iPad.
Try Grid


How to add your SpeakUnique voice

To add your SpeakUnique voice into Grid for iPad, please open the app and go to “Settings – Speech”. Under voice providers, select SpeakUnique. You can then log in with your SpeakUnique or I Will Always Be Me account details.

For more step by step instructions, please see below